
Monday, December 7, 2015

Is Cardboard Santa Bringing A PWE To You?

Aloha, everybody, 

The next phase of Operation PWE went into effect today as I dropped off all of the envelopes and packages at the post office. 

I would like to say THANKS and Merry Christmas ( also Happy Hanukkah) to all of my readers, trade partners and friends who visited my humble little blog throughout the year. This holiday giveaway is my way of giving back to all of you. Just like Santa would do, I studied your want lists, and hopefully I've sent something grooved right into your wheelhouse.

That said, although I wish I could send PWE's to everyone out there, budget and resources do limit me. For example, there are some of you whom I wanted to send cards to, but this year I had a low budget for card purchases. Thus, my trade bait reserves are a bit low right now. Here's hoping next year will turn that around. 

Here's a map showing the various states and the number of PWE's or packages headed their way.

I forgot to make a list of the zip codes prior to going out today, so I took a couple of quick snapshots before dropping everything into the mail slot. Check the photos and see if your zip code is among them. 


 I had already sent the bubble mailers off with the clerk, so I didn't get photos, but I remember sending packages to these zips...
There were two more packages, but I just can't recall who they were meant for. So if you didn't see your zip code here, there may still be a cardboard stocking stuffer headed your way. 

BTW - I sent an email to "I Love The Smell Of Cardboard In The Morning", but I never received a reply. So, if you're out there somewhere and you want your PWE, check your spam mailbox or find my email here on my profile and get in touch with me. Who am I kidding? He probably doesn't even know ATBATT exists. LoL



  1. I like the colored map! I'm going to be teaching Graph Theory next year and I'm currently working on lecture notes involving the 4 color problem (basically coloring a map). That's all I could think about when I saw it...which probably means I need both a vacation and a good night's sleep!

    1. Sorry my post reminded you of that! lol
      BTW, Chris, you are a perfect example of someone whom I wanted to put something together for, but I just don't have anything that fits your collections. I'll be sure to get you next time around.

    2. No worries! My collection is getting a bit more specific thanks to my ongoing collection reorganization. It makes me a bit tougher to trade with but it also means I'll cherish every card I get even more ;)

  2. I spy a familiar zip code... I await your PWE with great anticipation. Thank you!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. OK Josh. I deleted your address so nobody sees it here.
      Definitely I will remail if it comes back to me.
      Wow, I can't believe we haven't traded in such a long time!

  4. Replies
    1. You're welcome, buddy. I'm the guy who owes you!

  5. I hope you have a great holiday, my friend!

    1. Happy holidays Tony. Hope this is the best Christmas ever.

  6. Sorry for the delay in replying. I definitely know of and enjoy your blog and appreciate the kindness and generosity. Merry Christmas!

    1. Merry Christmas to you too, Tim. I got your email so I'll be sending your stocking stuffer out soon.

  7. Just arrived yesterday; you shouldn't have! Thanks, and happy holidays!

  8. Mine arrived yesterday as well and oddly enough it was accompanied with near record high temperatures. Cubs cardboard and California warmth in the same PWE . . . you are a talented man! Thanks for the Holiday Cheer!
