Tuesday, April 17, 2018

It's Gypsy Queen, French Beer and Pack Searchers on my Latest Youtube Video

Aloha, everybody, 

I made a Target run today, and you know what that means - Baseball cards are coming home with me. 

In today's video we'll rip a value pack of 2018 Gypsy Queen, get greased by a pack searcher, and review a French IPA. That's right - a French IPA. 

Join me below for all the fun. Aloha! 


  1. Man thats so bogus on that open pack, I've never come across that before. Hilarious on the Reddick card. And Dude be gentle with those Angels cards!

    1. I couldn't believe I didnt even notice that ripped pack till I got home. Ha, sorry about being rough on your boys there. Of course you know who those cards are for anyways.

  2. Great video! Sorry you did get any Dodgers out of the packs. I like that Jose Ramirez card!

    1. Thanks for watching! That Ramirez card is all yours.
