
Tuesday, June 27, 2017

What Were Once Lost to One Collector are Now Found to Another

Aloha, everybody, 

Whew! Sometimes it's tough trying to come up with a witty title, am I right? 

Anyways, that title was supposed to refer to AJ, the Lost Collector, who sent a PWE with some cool Dodgers to me. With the heat wave that's cooking LA these days, cool cards are just what I need, and AJ's the man givin' me the fix...

Here's a RC of the young backup catcher who's proving he belongs with the big club. When Yasmani takes a break, the catching corp doesn't skip a beat. 

The current stars of the Dodgers' bullpen are well represented...

I love how Topps Bunt caught Kenley's dead eye stare that he employs before every pitch. 

Did I mention "coolness"? Dig Piazza's shades, baby...

I guess Keith Urban counts as cool to some music fans out there...right? Remember when those jeans with pre-fabricated holes were 'sposed to be cool? 

Any card featuring Dodger Stadium counts as cool to  me, so this will fit in with my other first pitch at Chavez Ravine cards just fine. 

THANKS for the PWE, AJ. it! 
