
Saturday, July 1, 2017

It's Card Show Day!

Aloha, everybody, 

Today is a special holiday that comes at different times for all of us. Unfortunately, for some of us, it's a rare occurrence, for others it requires driving for hours. But we all know how special and exciting it is when it happens. 


I'm lucky enough to live within a 30-minute drive, so that's where I'm off to today. While I'm gone, check out these beauties that I picked up on my previous Card Show Day.

Leading off are some cards from a dealer that had a box of a couple hundred vintage cards. It was a NICE selection. Cards I haven't seen at the show in eons. Hall of Famers galore, and 99% of them in very good condition (at least). I wasn't crazy about the fact nothing was priced. 

He doesn't usually carry vintage, so I figured this came from some collector dumping a collection off to him, and I was hoping he was going to dump this stuff off to us. 

I walked away with a few. Leading off are some Kellogs 3-Ds for my PCs. 

I really don't prefer when a dealer doesn't price his cards because I end up doing a lot of hunting, just to hear him quote some unrealistic price book (or higher) numbers. 

I asked him what the cards were going for and he told me to choose what I liked, and I wouldn't believe how low his prices were. 

After selecting a few with names like Berra, Aaron and Koufax to name a few, I asked his price. Was there a great unbelievable deal to be had? Not in my opinion. I grabbed these lesser cards with lesser names and made due. 

Gotta grab a tribute card of the Hit King...

I've decided to expand my humble Rickey Henderson PC. This one was very attactive to me because Rickey's batting in the photo, and sliding into base on the hologram...

Here's a great shot of Rickey itchin' to take off for second...

This scan unfortunately dulls the shiny goodness of this wonderful Killer card...

 More shiny goodness. Mr. Cy Young...

 How about some Dodgers from a set I rarely see around...

This upgrades my '65 team set...

Believe it or not, Norm Larker here kicks off my 1961 Dodgers chase, so if you've got '61 Dodgers, I need 'em.

More tribute action. This time from Fleer...

It's not quite the Fourth, but I'm gonna throw this starry Nomo at ya to finish off the post...

Sayonara...and aloha!