Aloha everybody,
It's been a while, I know. Hope ya missed me.
I've been away for a few reasons - one was alluded to in the title. I simply didn't have any new cards or trade packages to write about, and nothing was particularly inspiring me to write about the cards already in my binders.
Another reason I was away from here was a positive for the writing juices, as I've begun writing (and finding other inspiration) for a new Dodgers sports site - LAdodgerreport.
Although some of you out there are not Dodger fans, if you enjoy my writing, I would appreciate you dropping by and reading my bylines there. If you follow me on Twitter (@omsports42), you can see the tweets when I post up an article. We've been discussing a podcast, so stay tuned for that to launch soon.
Finally, I've been away because I had in-home visitors for the past four days. They just left this afternoon. I presume you've heard the one about both fish and visitors stinking after three days - try four. I feel like I've finally got my home and my privacy back.
Now on to the cards. As I mentioned, I didn't have any new cards to drop on you all, so in one of my trips to escape the visitors, I ran out to the local Target and bought a few packs, hoping to pull something exciting and keyboard-worthy. Let's see how I did...
Is that a lurking Clint Hurdle back there? |
Of course if you see cards here from the team you collect, you can rest assured these are dropping right into your team bags, Matt, Mark and ZZ.
Why all these cards for east coasters? At least I broke the streak of always pulling Angels from packs.
Anybody collecting Jose Canseco? Or this Pressed Into Service subset?
So, I know you're all wondering (or at least Night Owl is wondering) if I pulled any Dodgers...
I got one ex-Dodger. Not close enough, you say?
We need a guy in a Dodgers jersey throwing in Dodger Stadium, you say?
He's got glasses, but it aint Bulldog Orel Hershiser or Game Over Eric Gagne, it's the king of all jackasses.
And THAT'S how I did with four packs. At least I escaped the visitors for an hour.