Sunday, April 29, 2012

Gypsy Queen Trade Bait (Part Deux)

happy sunday, folks.  the Dodgers won a heckuva game last night.  it was a straight up pitchers duel between strassburg and bills, there was yet another play at the plate, and wunderkind harper got a nice hit.  but i gotta say, the kid's got one ugly-ass haircut.  my apologies if any of you out there are rocking that bryce harper look yourselves.  anyways - Bison won the game with a first-pitch HR blast in the 10th.  so, better luck in your next debut, davy crockett.

here we go with part 2 of my GQ trade bait.  yesterday potch claimed a couple of the minis, and dimwit claimed the rest.  dimwit claimed 'any and all' minis, and that's cool.  i'm posting one last mini today; the rest are regular size GQs.

say what you will, GQ detractors, these cards are beautiful to me - though i do tend to agree the surfboard is too large.  let's check em out...

last mini

TRADED All The Way to The Backstop :)

Happy Trading....

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Gypsy Queen Trade Bait (Part1)

happy weekend, everybody.  the much anticipated 2012 Gypsy Queen boxes have hit the shelves, the reviews have hit the blogs, and the GQ group break loot has begun arriving at our mailboxes.  i picked up some stuff from a great GQ break over at JABO's, and i bought a blaster myself.  that's where the following trade bait will be coming from.  the orioles cards came from the JABO break. i think you'll agree there's some cool O's up for trade.

i'm currently in a GQ break over at Cardboard Heaven which is absolutely killing me ! one box is done and i scored one kershaw, one bills, and one lilly.  *insert sarcastic yay! from me*  there's one more box to go in the break, so i hope i can get some traction going in box 2.

here comes the trade bait with minimum commentary *insert relieved yay! from the peanut gallery*
now if y'all will kindly excuse me, i'm off to a beer tasting at the world famous Boat...



Here comes  some miiiiiiinnnnnniiiiiiiissssss.....

green frame

hosmer is gypsy queen back

straight cut back

utley is straight cut back (whatever the heck that means)

next post: Part 2

Friday, April 27, 2012

A Royal Trade With Random Extras On The side

hey there, fellow bloggers and cool readers.  i've been perusing y'all's trade bait pages and drumming up some trade action.  recently i got one going with josh over at royals and randoms.   i picked out some good stuff from his trade lists and then he proceeded to blow me away with some additional awesome randomness of the vintage variety.  let's see what josh sent over...

matt kemp.  nuff said.

in the year of Dodger Stadium's (TM) 50th anniversary, i gotta have this card.

i've got about 2 GQ cards from 2011. i'm fixin' on fixing that in 2012

these were at the heart of the trade.  a nice stack to get me rolling deeper into the set.  did you whipper snappers know that mickey mantle was named after mickey cochrane?  good thing he didn't inherit those ears as well. 

when we were discussing this trade, josh tells me he's got a buncha 70's vintage if i'm interested.  are you kidding?  ABSOLUTELY !!   what josh put together was a very nice tour through 70's baseball according to topps.  (this is a sampling, in no particular order...)

here's a jersey patch to remind us all that they were once the california angels

hey, marichal.  i got a message for you from my friend, johnny r. 

this year's set is full of fun cards.  how much do you think those seats back there cost? about $10 bucks?  hot dogs were probably free !

yeh, dodgers rocked 'staches too back in the day

played the best third base i EVER saw in a world series.  absolutely killed us.

i dig ANY card from this '65 set.

how about this uni ? not to mention the 'tude.

here's an addition i tossed in as an homage to super-blogger night owl's recent super-post about same name ballplayers.  here's one more for that group, buddy...nope, he don't run with mick and keith.

THANKS for an awesome trade, josh !  awesome.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Grande Break and Bait Post

hey fellow bloggers and dear readers, how you doing?  Here comes some trade bait that i picked up in a group break over at nachos grande's    He runs some great breaks and you might wanna get on over to his place, as he's currently pimping out a seriously grande break with SEVEN boxes !  go sign up, and then come back to my post. nachos will be able to fill another slot, you'll be in on a great SEVEN box break, and my post will get another click when you return. it's a grande win, win, win.

my random team in the break was the oakland A's. so here's hoping there's some A's collectors out there...

let's start with a leather and lumber insert numbered 525/2499

i used to love zito's rainbow curve

these are the leather and lumber base cards

gaudy and flashy.  that diamond legacy is a very nice card in person.

it's RICKEYYY !!

not every card was tradeable. some are cool keepables...

a sweet mondi

...and i got a couple more nice nomos

diggin' this one

g'wan, get in one of nacho's breaks. you just might get one of these super cool stickers...
See you in the SEVEN box break, Nacho's !!